Use code “demooffice” when prompted

ReSocialize isn’t available for mobile devices. As such, this page presents information about the free demo.

If you revisit from a computer, this page will give you links to join the ReSocialize free online office demo.

ReSocialize free online demo

Get access to the fre online office demo. 

This demo is open to anyone, gives full access to all current ReSocialize features, but has a cap of possible simultaneou users.

It is meant to try the experience with your team or a friend, to improve your distributed work experience.


The demo is public, meaning there might be other people joining ReSocialize while you are trying it out.


The demo is limited to a set number of users at the same time. If the demo is full, you will be unable to join.

How to access
resocialize free online demo

Video tutorial showing how to access the resocialize free tutorial.

Use code “demooffice” when prompted.

this 100-second video covers the following:

  1. Finding the ReSocialize app
  2. logging in to an existing ReSocialize account
  3. Creating an avatar from a picture of yourself
  4. Customizing your avatar
  5. Entering a room code
  6. Joining the ReSocialize free online office demo

Try resocialize free demo

Use code “demooffice” when prompted. 

resocialize plans & who they are for

Common questions

What code should I use?

Use code “demooffice” to accecss the free online office demo

Can I join from my phone or tablet?

No, ReSocialize only works from a computer. You will not be able to join from your phone or tablet.

Do I need to create a ReSocialize account to access the demo?

No, you can “join as a guest” when joining the free online office demo. By doing this we won’t save any information about your visit, but you will need to create a new avatar if you reload the page.

I can’t join – what’s wrong?

The first thing to do is to try to reload the page.

If that doesn’t work, make sure the webpage has permission to use your microphone and camera.

If that doesn’t work, try again later. There is a limit to simultaneous users in the ReSocialize free demo, and when the demo is full it’s not possible to join.

Common questions

Can I join from my phone or tablet?

No, ReSocialize only works from a computer. You will not be able to join from your phone or tablet.

In fact, most links to trying the ReSocialize demo are removed from this page when visiting from a phone or tablet, to avoid confusion. 

What code should I use?

Use code “demooffice” to accecss the free online office demo

Do I need to create a ReSocialize account to access the demo?

No, you can “join as a guest” when joining the free online office demo. By doing this we won’t save any information about your visit, but you will need to create a new avatar if you reload the page.

I can’t join – what’s wrong?

The first thing to do is to try to reload the page.

If that doesn’t work, make sure the webpage has permission to use your microphone and camera.

If that doesn’t work, try again later. There is a limit to simultaneous users in the ReSocialize free demo, and when the demo is full it’s not possible to join.

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