ReSocialize Nomad is the online co-working space for Digital Nomads and Solopreneurs

Life as a digital nomad can be isolating. ReSocialize Nomad is the digital nomad tool that changes that.

A virtual co working space makes it easier to build and maintain relationships with others, giving you a core team of coworkers with adjacent skill sets, regardless of which country you’re currently connecting from. 

Don’t work alone just because you’re a solopreneur.

Two avatars standing under the ReSocialize logo in a virtual metaverse meeting platform, a perfect digital nomad tool.
A group of avatars sitting around a table at a webinar in the ReSocialize metaverse meeting platform watching a video presentation. A digital nomad tool that allows natural meetings and gatherings, regardless of location and geography.
Two avatars in the ReSocialize metaverse meeting platform sitting in chairs having an online coffee meeting
Empty online co-working space or virtual office. ReSocialize metaverse meeting platform, light and inspiring environment, floor-to-ceiling windows at the far wall, and several desks, meeting tables, and couch areas ready for online networking events and remote work.

What is ReSocialize Nomad?

ReSocialize Nomad is your online co-working space. It helps solve some of the common challenges solopreneurs face, without compromising the flexibility of working remotely.

By sharing an online space with a core group digital nomads, you build relationships and trust, and this turns into opportunities and support. If a client asks for something outside of your area of expertise, chances are you have a trusted professional in your online co-working space who you can introduce.

How does a digital nomad tool like ReSocialize Nomad specifically solve common solopreneur issues?

ReSocialize Nomad gives you the best of in-office work without compromising remote flexibility.


Feelings of Isolation – Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation, as solopreneurs may miss the daily interactions and camaraderie of an office environment.

Collaboration and Networking -ReSocialize Nomad allows solopreneurs to collaborate with colleagues, fostering creativity, knowledge sharing, and partnerships. . 

Restricted Geographical Reach – Having a physical office location may limit the ability to expand beyond a specific area, restricting business growth opportunities for solopreneurs.

Access to a Global Clientele – ReSocialize Nomad enables solopreneurs to reach and serve clients from around the world, increasing opportunities for growth and revenue.

Limited Networking Opportunities Solopreneurs working remotely may have limited opportunities to network, potentially limiting opportunities to build new professional relationships.

Networking Opportunities – In ReSocialize Nomad, solopreneurs can network with others, build relationships, and create potential referral sources, leading to business opportunities.

Limited Flexibility – Working in an office can reduce flexibility in terms of managing personal commitments or accommodating client needs outside of standard business hours.

Flexibility – ReSocialize Nomad offers solopreneurs the freedom to set schedules, allowing for a better well-being, and the flexibility to accommodate client needs effectively.

What does it cost?

€ 16 per month

€ 168 per year (12.5% reduced price for a yearly subscription)

How Do I Join?

For the ReSocialize Nomad online co-working space to be meaningful, there needs to be a minimum number of skilled professionals to share the space with and be inspired by.

Join the waitlist today, and we will contact you when the next space is ready.